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Engraved Inscription

An engraved inscription is incorporated approximately in the middle of the façade of the tower Π3, which has been studied by researchers from time to time.
At the first attempt for analysis by the scholar Theocharis Tsoutsinos in 1993, it was suggested that the engraved inscription bears the letters M.A.D.K., and interpreted as Michael Angelos Doukas Komnenos, obviously indicating the ruler who repaired and enhanced the Castle. Nevertheless, this opinion was not sufficiently documented and is not widely accepted.
According to the newest suggestion, made by Professor Georgios Velenis, the inscription bears the Byzantine date 6878, which refers to the years 1369-70 AD. Also, the name Ioannis is distinguished, without knowing whether this refers to a historical figure or not. Until today, this is the most acceptable explanation of the inscription.
